Better heart health with every step? We've put together a kick-start 17-minute walking workout that will get you moving and sweating and, most importantly, boost your heart health.
Looking to energize your workout routine? You're in the right place! Discover the 6-12-25 method! This 30-minute training program will revolutionize the way you sweat and give you a killer (or close to killer) body.
Every woman is on the hunt for the secret to staying young, but guess what? It's right here, under our noses: it's weight training, and it's science that says so.
You’ve probably heard of this new fitness trend that promises a dream figure in a gentle way. But what does the science really say?
Dispel the myths and take care of your body while avoiding mistakes and discouragement. We’re here to tell you what’s true and what’s false, and get you moving!
A day spent touring Lisbon on foot is a melody of sensations. Every street corner holds a surprise, every pavement tells a story.