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7 easy and discreet exercises you can do at work

13 Jun

There' s no excuse not to work out! Here are 5 simple exercises that you can do daily and discreetly at the office, during meetings, while waiting for your coffee and even while using the Xerox machine. GO! Let's go!

1) Contract your abs

Sitting on the edge of the chair, feet firmly planted on the floor, legs perpendicular and back straight.

Contract the abs and inhale while tilting backwards slowly, keeping the back straight and the abs always contracted.
Hold this position for 10 seconds and then return to the basic position as you exhale.

2) Build up your calves:

Stand in an upright position.

Stand on your tiptoes and clench your buttocks.

3) Slim your thighs:

Sit comfortably in your office chair with your back straight and your feet firmly on the floor.

Lift your feet 5-10 cm from the floor and hold this position.

4) Tone your arms:

Comfortably seated in your office chair with your back straight, feet on the floor and hands under the desk.

While sitting straight, push the desk up to the ceiling with your hands.

5) Firm up your buttocks:

Sitting upright, as with most of the previous desk exercises.

Clench one buttock, then the other, then both, for 10 seconds and relax.

6) Stretch your spine while working:

Sitting with your back straight against the back of your chair.

Raise your head as if you were to touch the ceiling, while lowering your shoulders as much as possible and repeat this move for several reps.

7) Control your breathing to release stress

Sitting or standing, it doesn't matter, the key is to keep your rib cage free.

Inhale slowly by expanding your stomach, then exhale by retracting your stomach.

Our advice

Perform the workout exercises 5 to 10 times a day and hold each position for 10 seconds.
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