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Walking: no more than 17 minutes

09 May

Better heart health with every step? We've put together a kick-start 17-minute walking workout that will get you moving and sweating and, most importantly, boost your heart health.

Let’s walk

  • Warm-up (3 minutes): Start by walking at a moderate pace to warm up your muscles and gradually increase your heart rate. Add a few light stretches to prepare your body for exercise.
  • Brisk walking (10 minutes): Pick up your pace and walk at a brisk pace for 10 minutes. Focus on your step length and the natural swing of your arms to maximize the effectiveness of your workout.
  • Dance interval (4 minutes): Add a touch of fun to your workout by incorporating 4-minute dance intervals. Follow the music and express yourself freely with simple yet energetic dance steps.
  • Cool-down (3 minutes): Finish your workout by gradually slowing down and bringing your heart rate back to normal. Take advantage of this recovery period to breathe deeply and relax your muscles.

For maximum benefits

  • Choose a diverse and challenging walking route, preferably with inclines and descents to increase the intensity of your workout.
  • Use a pedometer or walking app to monitor distance, speed and progress over time.
  • Train with a friend or group to make it a more fun and motivating experience.


So get ready to get In The Move towards a healthier heart today!

And don't forget to share your experience with us! Send us your comments and photos to: