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Sport. The truth, nothing but the truth!

27 Nov

Dispel the myths and take care of your body while avoiding mistakes and discouragement. We’re here to tell you what’s true and what’s false, and get you moving!

Myth No. 1: Never without my scale

Forget the idea that the scale holds the entire truth. What matters is that you lose fat and gain muscle. Your weight may stay the same or even increase, but your fat percentage will drop.

Myth No. 2: The more intense, the better

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is great, but in moderation. Too much HIIT can slow down your muscle gain. Ideally, you should aim for no more than three to four sessions a week.

Myth No. 3: The longer you exercise, the more weight you lose

False. You don’t need to sweat for hours to see results. In fact, too much exercise can actually cause you to lose muscle.

Myth No. 4: Not eating healthy and offsetting with sport

Treating exercise as punishment for a sweet tooth the night before undermines your relationship with food and sport. It’s better to find a healthy balance and enjoy every bite and every move.

Myth No. 5: The more you sweat, the more weight you lose

Not really. Sweating is more of an indicator of your body temperature than calories burned. Exercises like weight training or yoga can burn a lot of calories without you sweating profusely.

Myth No. 6: No pain, no gain

Forget the idea that you have to suffer to succeed. Pain is not a sign of progress, but a warning signal. If it hurts, stop and listen to what your body is trying to tell you.

Ready to discard these myths? Come on, start now! And show us the results by sending us a screenshot or photo of your achievements to