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Sing and feel good

29 Abr

Stressed out? Anxious? Depressed? It happens to everyone! You've got a superpower inside you to boost it: Sing!

Singing opens the doors to a world where there's no room for stress, and where each vocal vibration weaves a web of joy and relaxation.

Why does it work?

  • It's great for your body. Singing stimulates blood circulation, tones your respiratory muscles and massages your diaphragm. A real treat for your body!
  • It's great for your mind. When you sing, you release endorphins, the happy hormones that make you feel good. Bye-bye stress and anxiety!
  • It's great for your spirit. Singing allows you to focus on the present moment and let go. You leave your worries behind and do yourself a world of good!

How to get started ?

  • No need to sing in tune! What's important is to release your inhibitions. So enjoy yourself!
  • Sing what you like. Favorite songs, karaoke, nursery rhymes - anything goes!
  • Sing wherever you like. At home, in the shower, in the car, on public transport (you've got to take responsibility!).
  • Sing alone or with others. Join a choir, take singing lessons, sing with your friends or family.

Our + :

  • Sing as you imagine yourself performing on stage. Become the star you've always dreamed of being!
  • Improvise melodies and lyrics. Let your creativity run wild!
  • Listen to music that makes you want to burst into song. Create playlists of your favorite songs and let the rhythms and vocals carry you away.


Get started, and soon you'll see that singing to feel good is a something that can be part of your everyday life. Every melody is a step towards a happier, more peaceful YOU.

Don't forget to share your feelings with us, and tell us how singing makes you feel good. Send us your stories and videos to: