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Winter. Why does your sleep go haywire?

01 Nov

For many of us, winter is just around the corner. It may be a lovely time of year, but it sure spells trouble for your sleep. We explain why.

A lot of people lose sleep in winter, and quite frankly, it’s really annoying. So why do you find yourself counting sheep instead of sleeping peacefully?

Goodbye sun

In winter, the days are shorter, so there’s a shortage of sunlight. This lack of natural light messes with our biological clock, which can throw our sleep cycle out of whack. The consequence is that melatonin, the hormone that lulls you to sleep, gets you to sleep when it wants to, not when you want to.

Ice cube or sauna?

As much as we love to curl up in a cosy comforter, the cold can affect the quality of our sleep. You need the right temperature to sleep well. If it’s too cold, you’ll wake up.

Winter blues

It’s a sort of seasonal depression. Less sunshine, fewer outdoor activities, all of which can cause us to feel a bit down and disrupt our sleep.

Hearty feasts

In winter, we tend to eat more, and even fattier food. Heavy meals and sweet treats are the perfect combo to keep your stomach going all night long. And in the meantime, you’re counting the hours staring at the ceiling.

Sofa Forever

When it’s cold, the sofa is everything. But the less you move, the more your sleep suffers. And that’s not to mention the extra pounds that creep in.

With a few tweaks, it’s easy to fall back into the arms of Morpheus and enjoy a good night’s sleep, even when it’s freezing cold outside. We share our tips with you in our article “In the arms of Morpheus”.