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In the arms of Morpheus… zZZ

01 Nov

Get a good night’s sleep this winter with our 8 simple but highly effective tips.

  • #1 Roll out the yoga mat! A few stretches or poses to bid stress goodbye and slow down your internal tick-tock. It’s like reading a story to your muscles so that they can gently fall asleep.
  • #2 Herbal teatime! Before you go into sleep mode, make yourself a cup of herbal tea with chamomile or valerian. It’s the perfect internal snuggle to soothe your mind and send you off to sleep.
  • #3 Switch to smart snacks. Indulge in pistachios or a banana before slipping into bed. These little nutrient bombs will help you feel full and relaxed. 
  • #4 Then get into Zen mode with a little mindfulness meditation. Just five minutes to focus on your breathing, and your anxiety will be gone. It’s magic!
  • #5 Your bedroom needs to be as dark as possible. Blackout curtains, night masks, anything to turn your room into a cave. The darker it is, the better you will sleep, and your melatonin will thank you.
  • #6 Let’s talk about temperature. Do you feel hot or cold? Find the happy medium! Set your thermostat between 15.5 and 19.4°C to create the ideal environment. Your body will love it and your melatonin production will soar.
  • #7 Let there be light to wake me up! Get natural light first thing in the morning to tell your internal clock that it’s time to get moving. No sun? Bright artificial light will do the trick. Your sleep will thank you in the evening.
  • #8 Routine, routine... Not the greatest fun, but getting up and going to bed at set times is the secret to a night in dreamland. What’s more, your heart will thank you - it’s scientifically proven!

So don’t wait until next winter to embark on this nocturnal adventure! Grab your phone (but just for this, eh!), record your new bedtime ritual and share it with us via: