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How to start exercise and stick with it!

13 Jun

5 tips to start exercising and stick with it!

I’ll start monday!

Admit it. We've all said that on a Sunday, December 31, the last day of the month, maybe even a Sunday, December 31 (we have fond memories of it, it was in 2017). On that day, we had planned to lose a pound a week for three months, to start training for a triathlon, we thought about booking a ten-day silence and meditation retreat. The intention was there but it never saw the light.  

Guess what, we’ve all been there! And because we know what it takes, we're sharing with you 5 tips to find your routine and not lose it (in the long run. You will stumble from time to time, and that's okay. The most important thing is to stay with it, guilt-free).


1- Find a physical activity that you really enjoy. Crossfit, cycling, martial arts, yoga, pilates, dance, running, there are so many choices! The first step is to find a sport that you like and are passionate about, so it can bring you pleasure. And that takes one thing: testing! (Bonus: on Gymflix, you have lots of options as far as physical activity)

2- Set achievable goals: if you are too ambitious, you will give up and if you are too easy, you will get bored. So the ideal is to set achievable goals that require a certain commitment on your part. You can always adjust your goals along the way. 

3- To achieve these goals, create the right routine for you. 3 times a week is ideal. But you can start with short sessions twice a week and bring up the pace little by little. The most important thing is that in a few weeks you find your rhythm and that you enjoy it (yes, it can be fun!).

4- Gather a crew! As you may already know, when you have a date with yourself, it's easy to get stood up. After all, no one is waiting for us or needs us. If you have an appointment with a close friend or family member, you’ll have more difficulty backing out. Also, you'll be sharing some fun times together (and that's good because let's face it, you don't see enough of them either)! 

5- Be indulgent with yourself! Don't try to be perfect! Did you skip your workout this week? No worries. You'll make up for it the following week. Or not. The main thing is to stick with it over time. Nobody's perfect and coming to terms with it will allow you to reduce the pressure that we tend to put on ourselves when we are super motivated.