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Running with your heart: Your guide!

29 Mar

Greetings, you kind-hearted athlete! It's time to break out your sneakers and put your energy to work for a worthy cause!

Taking part in a charity run is not only a great chance to challenge yourself physically, it's also a way of supporting a project that's dear to your heart. So, are you ready to make a difference?

1. Choose your cause

It starts here, with your heart. Whether it's fighting a disease, helping the less fortunate or protecting our beautiful planet, choose a cause that will give real meaning to your effort. The more passionate you are, the more motivated you'll be to work out and raise funds.

2. Set achievable goals

Start slowly, gradually increasing your distance and intensity. Remember, it's the intensity that counts, not the speed! The important thing is to cross the finish line for your cause, not to break a world record.

3. Organize your fundraising

Use social networks, emails and word-of-mouth to spread the word about your commitment. Clearly explain the impact your donations will have. You could even organize a small event, a challenge among friends or an online fund-raiser* to boost donations.

4. Prepare your body and mind

Drink plenty of water, maintain a balanced diet and take plenty of time to recover after your workouts. But don't forget your mind: visualize your race, keep your spirits high and surround yourself with supportive people.

5. Share your adventure

What you're doing is inspiring, so share it with your friends! Talk about your progress, how it makes you feel, the challenges you face, and above all what this cause means to you. It'll motivate you and might even inspire others to take up or support your cause.

6. D-Day: have fun!

Now's the time to enjoy yourself. Soak up the atmosphere, cheer on the other runners and remember why you're there. Whatever time you achieve, what you're about to do is huge!


Join the fun and take part in a charity race! It's much more than a sporting challenge, it's a human adventure in a spirit of solidarity.  And we're counting on you to share your adventure with us at :

* Please note: Regulations concerning online fundraising vary from one country to another. Before you start fundraising, make sure you comply with local legislation.