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Why start face workouts?

14 Jun

Exercising your facial muscles is an effective and natural way to tone them and help your face regain its shape. The result is more toned, better-hydrated skin and a less dull complexion.

What are face workouts?
Face workouts or face yoga is a method that will prevent and eliminate wrinkles, fine lines or sagging skin through exercises that contract the muscles of the face and neck. 

Who can benefit from them?
Women as well as men, with all skin types

When should I do my face workout?
At any time of the day and anywhere you can! All you need is cream or oil to make the massage easier.

How long should you do it for?
Five minutes a day, in the morning, in the evening before bedtime, or at any other time of the day.

Which areas should you target?
Those most affected by the signs of skin aging: bitterness folds, crow's feet, frown lines, double chin, nasolabial folds, neck lines.

From what age?
Start as early as possible to prevent wrinkles and preserve your youthfulness.  It is difficult to remove wrinkles that are already deep.

3 face exercises you should try

Before starting your exercises, take several deep breaths, then exhale as you relax all your muscles. You must be totally relaxed. Each exercise should be repeated 5 times.

Face workout to plump your lips
Pronounce the letters U and O in an exaggerated way. 

Face workout to reshape your face oval
Sit with your back straight and your chin slightly tilted downwards.
Place both fists closed under the chin.
Apply opposite pressure between the fists and the chin, holding for 3 seconds. Release for 3 seconds and repeat.

Face workout exercise to tone the whole face
Perform upward pressure movements, starting from the outer side of the hand to the inner side, from the center of the face outward, avoiding the eye area