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Incontournable couscous

17 Jun

Let's indulge with this Moroccan couscous recipe. This emblematic family dish from North Africa, which has been listed as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO, is a delightful dish full of vegetables.

Ingredients for 6 people:

For the broth:

  • 1.5 kg of lamb shoulder
  • 2 white onions
  • 1 small bunch of flat parsley
  • 1 cup of dried chickpeas
  • 4 tablespoons of neutral oil
  • About 4L of water

Spices: 1 tsp. full of Rass el Hanout; 1 tsp. black pepper; 1 tsp. ginger; 1/2 tsp. saffron pistils; 1 tsp. ground ginger; 1 Knorr stock cube; 1 very mild pepper; salt

Vegetables: 4 large carrots; 2 zucchinis; 4 turnips; 2 potatoes or sweet potato; 1 piece of pumpkin; beans; 1 white cabbage; 1 bell pepper, eggplant; 1 to 2 tomatoes.

For the semolina: 1 kg of medium couscous; 2 to 4 tablespoons of olive oil; 1/2 a cup of water at room temperature; salt; rancid butter (Smen)


Step 1. Preparation of the broth

  • Put the oil in the couscous pot, heat and add the chopped meat.
  • Add the two onions sliced into large pieces, the parsley, the spices and mix. 
  • Sear for a few moments until the meat is lightly colored, but not overly done.
  • Add the chickpeas and the hot pepper.
  • Mix, then sprinkle with water, generously covering the meat. 
  • Cover and let it simmer.


Step 2. Preparation of the vegetables 

  • Wash and peel the vegetables, chop them into large pieces.
  • As soon as the meat is half tender and comes off the bone, add the turnip and the carrot, count 15 minutes, then add the rest of the vegetables. Let it simmer for 15 minutes.
  • The squash is cooked separately in a saucepan with one ladle of broth and one ladle of water.
  • Adjust the seasoning and taste.


Step 3: Preparation of the semolina

  • Dans un très grand saladier, mettre le couscous, du sel et un bon filet d'huile d'olive.
  • In a very large bowl, place the couscous, some salt and a generous dash of olive oil.
  • Mix to coat the grains. Sprinkle with a little water while mixing.
  • Place the couscous in the top of the couscous pot that has been previously steamed over the broth.
  • Close the two parts of the couscous pot with a seal, or alternatively with a rolled plastic bag or a kitchen cloth.
  • You can either cover the couscous or leave it as is.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the couscous and place it in a large dish.
  • Sprinkle with a little water and stir with a wooden spoon or your hands to aerate the grains.
  • Place the semolina back in the top of the couscous pot and repeat the process 3 to 5 times, after 15 to 20 minutes, as soon as the couscous is cooked. You may want to taste the couscous to see if it is ready. 
  • At the last step, add 1/4 tsp of Smen or rancid butter to add a subtle flavor.
  • Sprinkle your couscous with a small ladle of broth and mix.


Step 4: Presentation of the couscous

  • Serve the couscous in a dome shape in a large deep dish. 
  • Create a "well" in the center of the couscous. 
  • Drizzle the broth over the couscous, about 3 ladles.
  • Place the meat in the center.
  • Add vegetables evenly around the couscous: a carrot, a zucchini, a potato... Top it off with the squash and chickpeas. 
  • Drizzle with more broth. 
  • Pour the remaining broth into a separate bowl.
  • Serve it immediately, piping hot!


😉: To stay in shape, eat more vegetables than semolina. And for those who like Lben (buttermilk), don't hesitate to mix it with the semolina for a delicious and refreshing couscous.