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The 5 commandments to eat healthy

13 Jun

Adopting a healthy and balanced diet morning, noon and night is a guaranteed way to spend a relaxed and healthy day.

Commandment 1: Avoid processed foods

  • Sodas and all sweetened beverages.
  • Salted or sweetened cookies, chips.
  • Breakfast cereals, cereal bars...
  • Sweets, pastries, chocolate
  • Pre-cooked meals: pizzas, quiches, pasta boxes...
  • Industrial desserts and yogurts.
  • Bread, brioche, crackers.
  • Industrial jams, Nutella.
  • Ready-made sauces: Bolognese, Ketchup, mayonnaise, pesto...
  • Delicatessen...


Commandment 2:  Eat healthy and natural foods

  • Seasonal vegetables
  • Seasonal fruits
  • Fish: salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna...
  • Organic and free-range eggs.
  • Meat: chicken, turkey, pork, beef, lamb...
  • Oilseeds: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios...
  • Whole grains: quinoa, rice, buckwheat, whole wheat, spelt, rye.
  • Pulses: lentils, beans, peas.


Commandment 3:  Prepare balanced meals

  • Cooked or raw vegetables
  • Whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat...
  • Animal or vegetable proteins: meat, fish, eggs, pulses...
  • Good fats (coconut oil, olive oil), in seasoning or for cooking.
  • Spices and aromatic herbs to add taste and nutrients: turmeric, pepper, salt, cumin, curry, thyme, parsley.
  • Water


Commandment 4:  Reduce your sugar intake

  • Avoid table sugar (white and brown), syrup, honey.
  • Reduce the amount of added sugar in cereal, yogurt, coffee or tea.
  • Ban soda and fruit juice.
  • Consume whole fresh fruit.
  • Choose products with the least amount of added sugars.
  • Avoid industrial sauces with added sugar.
  • In your recipes, divide the recommended amount of sugar by 2 (use stevia or xylitol as sweeteners).


Commandment 5: Continue to enjoy eating

  • Eat to your heart's content, but no more.
  • Don't cut out a healthy food category.
  • Match your food intake to your physical activity level.
  • Indulge from time to time and give yourself a break, once a week.
  • Don't rush through your changes to avoid getting discouraged and frustrated.