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Less depressing greens? Easy peasy!

12 Sep

Greens are the superheroes of a good diet. So stop sulking about them and turn them into a treat.

Try new cooking methods

Steamed or boiled greens? Thanks, but no thanks! It doesn't work and it never will. And we get it! So, let's change course and try different cooking techniques that can help you get back in touch with our best friends, greens.

  • The English way (blanching)
    Granted, the cuisine is not the most memorable thing about Queen Elizabeth's country. But this cooking technique taught in cooking schools is ideal for setting the color of green vegetables and preserving all their vitamins.
    The method: cook the vegetables in a large volume of boiling salted water and then stop the cooking by transferring them into an ice bath. 
  • Grilled
    A classic that we don't always remember. But grilled vegetables, a pinch of salt, pepper, and a bit of olive oil. It promises a simple and delicious dish.
    >>How to grill your vegetables well:
  • Air-fried
    A popular trend in recent years, the air fryer gives fried foods a delicious, crispy taste without the extra fat or calories.

Add flavor boosters

A little something can change everything in our lives... and in our dishes.  Often, greens just need some flavor. Here are a few ingredients to enhance the taste of vegetables in general, and greens in particular.

  • Herbs and flavors: chop fresh herbs like tarragon, mix with a teaspoon of olive oil and lightly baste the asparagus. Let it cook in the oven for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Vinegar or lemon for a twist: Freshly squeezed lemon or vinegar can give your greens a different taste. Add it while cooking or sprinkle it directly on your vegetables before serving.
  • Garlic, the magic ingredient: A full-fledged vegetable, garlic, if you like it, is a great way to add flavor to almost ANY dish. 
  • Some cheese, but not too much: While you don't want to smother your vegetables in a cheese sauce, a sprinkle of tangy cheese like Parmesan or manchego on the finished dish adds flavor.
  • Spices for travel: For example, you can give your zucchini (sliced) a Mexican spin by sprinkling it with cumin, cayenne pepper, and even a dash of Tabasco sauce and bake it for about 10 minutes at 425 degrees F.


>> Easy-to-eat greens recipes