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3 anti-stress yoga poses

14 Jun

With our fast-paced lifestyles, it's crucial to let go and take some time to relax and regenerate your body and mind. Learn 3 yoga poses to release your negative emotions. So ready? Let's practice!

You can relax with these three poses:

Balasana, the child's pose


Get started:
Kneel on your mat, then place your butt on your heels. After a deep breath, stretch your hands out in front of you. This will extend your back, bring your butt over your heels, and make your stomach flatten out over your thighs.

Its benefits:
This pose helps you to relax and let go. Perfect for combating stress, it relieves tension in the back and abdominal muscles. However, it is not recommended for people with knee problems.

Ardha-setu-bandhâsana, the half bridge pose

Get started:
Lie on your back, then bring your heels toward your pelvis. Knees should be bent and pelvis-width apart, arms should be on the floor, resting alongside the body. After a deep breath, raise the pelvis and then lift the back off the ground vertebra by vertebra up to the shoulders.

Its benefits:
This pose, which releases tension in the neck and in the shoulder area, improves self-confidence.  It also strengthens the hips and tones the legs. It is not recommended for people suffering from inflammation of the back or sciatica.

Vrikshasana, the tree pose

Get started:
Standing with your feet together and arms at your side, gently transfer your body weight to one foot. Lift the other foot off the ground and place it against the calf, the inside of the knee or up the thigh depending on what you can do. Your hip should be opened and the knee should be facing outward. Your hands can be clasped in front of your chest or your arms can be stretched up to the sky.  Repeat the pose on the opposite side.

Its benefits:
This pose, which requires concentration and balance, calms the mind. It tones the ankles, feet and legs, improves the opening of the hips and strengthens the abdominal muscles.