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Feel good by giving gifts

28 Dez

It’s the end of the year! Make yourself feel good by giving gifts... A more meaningful gesture than it seems and one that brings real satisfaction. Here is why.

We put ourselves into it

When you want to please someone, it takes time. The time to think, to hesitate, to decide, to act... then the time to present the gift! It takes time, you get involved. In the end, giving is gratifying because the only motivation is to please the other person.

We always come second

Gifting means thinking about the other person first, about their wishes, their tastes, their interests. It also means putting yourself on the back burner, putting your own opinion aside. And even if we may be up in arms, giving is first and foremost thinking about pleasing the other person. These small gestures are good for our self-esteem and are a great proof of generosity.

We strengthen the bonds

By gifting someone, we maintain the social bond that connects us to that person. And we even strengthen it! And when we know that one of the factors of our well-being is our relationship with others, giving or receiving gifts strengthens our connection with those around us and brings us great satisfaction.

Spending for happiness

“Spending on others increases one’s own happiness in the long term. Conversely, spending on oneself tends to produce short-lived happiness”. This is what researchers in the field of happiness economics have shown. No wonder we are so happy to give gifts!