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Gardening. Bring some fun and greenery to your community!

29 Feb

At In The Move, we believe in solidarity in motion. So what better way is there to strengthen ties between neighbors and friends than by getting together for some gardening? In this article, we delve into this world together to explore ways in which it can be the driving force behind this solidarity in motion.

Gardening is like a cool sport: 

  • Digging, planting, watering, you’re working out without even realizing it, while spending time with your neighbors.
  • You need sunshine to produce vitamin D, and gardening is often an outdoor activity.
  • Growing your own fruit and vegetables encourages you to eat healthier. And it can also become a real game of trading amongst neighbors, for more local, environmentally-friendly meals.

Gardening, a source of collective well-being:

  • Goodbye stress. Being together outdoors helps everyone relax and recharge their batteries.
  • Zen attitude. A garden can become a real chill spot where everyone can relax and clear their minds.
  • Shared pride. Watching plants grow and flourish makes us all proud and strengthens our bond with our neighborhood.

Gardening, a collective self-fulfillment project:

  • Connecting with nature. Creating a garden means reconnecting with nature and enjoying it together.
  • Creativity. Everyone can add their own personal touch to the garden, choosing plants, colors, positioning, etc. 
  • Social life. A garden guarantees a great atmosphere. An ideal place to chat and have fun together.


So, are you ready to Go Green and get your neighbors and friends on board? Together, you can transform your neighborhood into an oasis of greenery and camaraderie. And remember to share your successes with us through photos at: