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Olfactory meditation: sens-ational journey!

08 Jun

Experience the art that helps you relax, be fully in the present moment and find inner peace - no need to be a confirmed hippie!

Olfactory meditation??? It’s hard for you to grasp meditation at its simplest, let alone if we add more options. But no worries, keep calm. Olfactory meditation is very simple. Just follow us!

What does it consist in?

Olfactory meditation is the art of using your sense of smell to relax, develop mindfulness and an overall sense of well-being and inner peace. If you’re not convinced and think it’s a hippy thing to do, just give it a try and see for yourself. To start your journey, simply follow these three easy steps.

  • 1. Create a meditation ritual:
    Choose a calm space where you can concentrate on your olfactory journey. It could be a cozy spot in your home, a fragrant garden or even a quiet park.
  • 2. Select your aromatic allies:
    Build up a collection of essential oils, scented candles or natural fragrances that work for you. Experiment with different scents to find your favorites and how they uniquely affect your mood and well-being. Here are a few tips for you: for stress, choose lavender or chamomile; to boost your ability to concentrate, go for rosemary or peppermint; and if your mood is yo-yoing, then ylang-ylang is the way to go.
  • 3. Breathe and be present:
    Close your eyes, take a deep breath and inhale the fragrance. Let the scent permeate your senses and be fully present in the moment. Observe the thoughts, emotions and feelings that surface as you consciously inhale the scent of the fragrance. Stay in this position for as long as you like.


Take a deep breath, immerse yourself in the world of fragrance and let olfactory meditation guide your path to peace and quiet.