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ROMO and JOMO, trends that make you feel good

30 Nov

After the FOMO, “fear of missing out”, this need to be ultra-connected, now the trend is the ROMO "relief of missing out"... and even more!

Adios FOMO, Hello ROMO! Indeed, the surge of over-connection, especially among the youngest members of our society, is losing its momentum. The fear of missing out and not being in the loop is no longer a hot topic.

ROMO is the exact opposite. It's about letting go, staying as far away from news events as possible, and experiencing missing out on some news events as a relief. Why? Because for some people, the overabundance of information has proved to be wearing, even anxiety-provoking. For others, the feeling of being powerless in the face of the news has become overwhelming.

What about JOMO?

It goes one step further. JOMO, or “joy of missing out”, represents the joy of being absent from an event for some “metime”, whatever it may be: a sports session, a cocooning break, a cultural outing, in the midst of nature, or just a moment to escape by letting your imagination run wild!

3 tips to give it a try

  • Organize your time: The dizzying spiral of social media drags you in at the blink of an eye. So set limits, stick to them and use the many available apps in this field. 
  • Disconnect: Several times a day, try to let go of your smartphone and fully live in the moment. 
  • Live in the real world: Lift your head and look at the world around you. It's refreshing to take our eyes off the screen and reconnect to the world through our five senses.