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Magic ’10,000 steps’ !

02 Nov

Has it ever occurred to you that the key to well-being may actually be lying right beneath your feet? Discover the notorious secret of the 10,000 magic steps!

The 10,000 magic steps are no idle myth. It comes straight from the land of the Rising Sun! In the 60s, the Japanese used this figure to sell pedometers. Marketing or not, studies have since proved the benefits of this gentle daily challenge.

The super powers of walking :

That's right! Walking helps you burn between 300 and 500 calories.

A heart of steel
Lower your blood pressure, pump up your circulation and strengthen your heart? That's what walking's all about!

Bulging muscles 
Bet you never thought you'd sculpt yourself some killer glutes by walking!

Anti-disease shield
Bye bye type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. 

What's in it for you? 
Walking releases lots of endorphins, your fairy godmothers of happiness.

Need a brilliant idea or a magic bullet? 
A short walk might just enlighten you!

Your bed has never been so inviting, and you'll be able to enjoy a good night's sleep after your daily stroll.

And that's not all!

Walking is also an opportunity to chat with your friends, discover the hidden treasures of your neighborhood, enjoy nature, and as an added bonus, you're contributing to a better planet.

So, are you sold? Don't look any further for the key to happiness - it's just around the corner! 
Embark on the 10,000-step adventure, and as soon as you've reached it, send us a screenshot or photo to: