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Detox for a healthy return to work!

07 Sep

After all that relaxation and freedom, the body sometimes needs a little help to get back on track. With all the overindulgence and idleness, it’s perfectly normal. The key is not to deprive yourself, but to choose something better to start again on the right foot.

5 tips for a smooth return:

  • Never skip a meal: even if you feel a bit full, your body needs energy. Go for healthy, balanced choices.
  • Say goodbye to sweet drinks and alcohol: they’re the enemy of your post-holiday well-being. Instead, stick to water and, just for fun, add some fruit for a little flavor.
  • Sweets and saturated fats? Avoid them for the time being. Instead, treat yourself to fresh, quality produce. 
  • Wholegrains are your friends: they help your digestion and give you a healthy energy boost. When it comes to protein, go for fish with high omega-3 content.
  • Hydration, hydration, hydration: even if summer is behind us, don’t forget to drink plenty of water.
  • And above all, get back in the move! Take a brisk walk, go for a run in the park or even dance in your living room.

Fruit and veggies, a winning combo

The return to work is the perfect time to discover or rediscover seasonal fruits and vegetables. Pears, grapes, blackberries... And when it comes to vegetables, broccoli and carrots are your allies. Mix them into smoothies or juices for a burst of flavor. Gourmet tip: Turn your fruit and vegetables into delicious, fresh and colorful smoothies! They taste great and are good for you.

One last thing:

Beware of miracle diets that promise you the moon. Your goal is not to deprive yourself, but to feel good and full of energy to face what lies ahead. After all, the return to work is also full of new beginnings!

So, are you ready to face the return to work with a smile on your face? 

By following these tips, you should feel in better shape and more energized after the vacations!