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Cauliflower, a favorite vegetable

28 Dec

Low in calories and fat, high in fiber, a source of vitamin C and vitamin K, cauliflower offers huge nutritional benefits. Here are 5 original ways to prepare it... They will please both its critics and its fans!

Add it to smoothies

Due to the effect of freezing, you can hardly notice when you add cauliflower to your smoothies. So, you can indulge yourself, take advantage of its fibers and add it to your wellness cocktails to increase their vegetable content. And as far as taste is concerned, you won’t even notice it!

Use it as a topping for tacos or sandwiches

On est audacieux ! Alors on fait du chou-fleur la star de nos tacos. Il suffit de le faire cuire, de l’assaisonner avec les épices tacos et d’ajouter les autres garnitures.  Il est vraiment parfait pour remplacer le bœuf ou le poulet.

Mix it with rice

If you want to reduce the calories and carbohydrates in rice, without actually cutting it out of your meals, this is a great way to do it. Half cauliflower powder and half rice, and voilà!

Cook it like a piece of meat

Cut cauliflower steaks, brush them with olive oil, season them with chopped garlic, salt and pepper and cook them on a grill or in the oven. Melting and tasty, they are the stars of your meal.

Make it into granola!

Make a magical morning mix by combining equal quantities of cauliflower powder and oat flakes. Add dried fruit, seeds and your usual spices, and enjoy...
What a great way to kick-start your day with plenty of vegetables and energy!