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5 foods for a glowing complexion !

25 Jul

We all want to have a healthy complexion, especially at this time. To pamper your skin, use and overuse these foods that give you a healthy glow.

Carrots are the star

No question about it! Carrots top the list! And it's not just by chance, carrots are full of carotenoids (or beta-carotene), the pigment that gives us a soft, tanned complexion, and which also facilitates the production of melanin, the hormone that we love, because it's what causes us to tan.

The +: In summer, enjoy the early carrot season and do not deprive yourself, because beta-carotene is also a super shield against UV rays.

Apricot, so beautiful

This summer fruit is a real treasure trove of Vitamin A, which promotes our skin's hydration. And like carrots, apricots contain an abundance of beta-carotene. With it, there is no doubt, you will have a pretty complexion!

The +: Dried apricot is even higher in beta-carotene, but be careful, it also contains more calories.

Long live olive oil!

Our skin is a fan of essential fatty acids, and olive oil is full of them. It's a sure bet for a healthy glow, especially since olive oil also contains vitamin E, the best ally for supple, firm skin.

The +: For even more softness and hydration, apply olive oil directly to the face or body.

Red berries!

Summer is the season of strawberries, raspberries, red currants, blackberries, blackcurrants, and other blueberries. In addition to being packed with vitamins and nutrients, these red berries have purifying benefits that will get rid of all the little pimples that might have considered spoiling the party.

The +: Try a homemade raspberry or blueberry mask, super decongesting!

Seafood for sure!

Unbelievable, but true... Shrimps, mussels, oysters, tellins and others are loaded with omega 3, selenium, and zinc, nutrients that slow down skin aging and protect your skin.

The +: The zinc found in seafood is a powerful anti-acne agent. Note to the young and not so young ☺


And above all, don't forget that the number one ingredient for great skin is water! With good hydration, you will have a glowing complexion!