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5 foods to be at your best this winter

30 Nov

BRRR... For many of us, the cold weather is approaching and with it, tiredness and winter viruses. Here are 5 essential foods to stay in shape!

Fatty fish is amazing

Salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, anchovies, are all great sources of vitamin D which boosts your immune system. So, let's enjoy them. Especially as during winter, our bodies lack this vitamin, which is mainly produced through contact with ultraviolet rays.

YES to citrus fruits

What do lemons, grapefruits and oranges have in common? They are concentrates of vitamin C, cocktails of benefits for our health, especially in winter. For maximum benefits, eat them whole rather than in juice.

Almonds, on demand

Eating a handful of almonds a day is a great way to fill up on vegetable proteins, fiber, omega 9 (good fat), magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin B9... A real nutritional goldmine.

Garlic’s superpowers

Thanks to allicin, a natural antibiotic that it contains, garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties. Garlic also has high vitamin C and vitamin B6 content. Garlic is a real shield for your health, so don't hesitate to include it in your recipes!

Chocolate, go for it

Here’s some good news! Chocolate is packed with magnesium, which helps fight stress and fatigue, which makes it a great ally for your health. And in addition, it is great for your morale. Here’s a little piece of advice: go for dark chocolate, which contains less sugar.