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4 simple exercises you can do at home to build muscle

16 Jun

You don't need a gym membership or fancy sports equipment to get in shape and prepare for your summer body (or just to take care of yourself). The only thing you need is your body. Follow the guide!

Push-ups to build up your pecs, triceps and deltoids.

Good old-fashioned push-ups are ideal for working virtually the entire upper body. There are different variations of push-ups depending on the fitness level of the participants as well as the targeted muscles.

Instructions: Lie face down on the floor, with the tips of your feet and the palms of your hands the only parts of your body in contact with the floor. Hold your arms straight, your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet slightly apart.


The Hip Bridge to strengthen the glutes, hamstrings and lower back

This is a very useful exercise to strengthen the gluteal and hamstring muscles and the lower back. A must for people who spend a lot of time in a chair (wink wink).

Instructions: Lie on your back and bend your knees, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Place your arms on the floor at your sides. Lift your hips until they form a straight line between your knees and shoulders. Stay still for a few seconds and then lower yourself in a controlled manner before repeating the exercise.


The Mountain Climber to strengthen your abs, deltoids, triceps, glutes and calves

This exercise offers a total body workout, especially for the legs, arms and abdominal muscles. It involves all your major muscle groups and allows you to work them in different ways. 

Instructions: Get into a push-up position. Bring your right knee toward your chest, then return to the starting position. You've done half the exercise, now do the same with your left knee. You've just completed one rep, now just continue.


Squats for your quadriceps, glutes, abdominal muscles and lumbar region

This exercise is a must for all sports enthusiasts and professionals! The Squat is a classic, ideal to work out most of your lower body.

Instructions: Stand straight with your arms at your sides and legs shoulder-width apart. Bend your legs as if you were sitting down. Push your pelvis back and continue down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then, lift yourself up by pushing on your heels and return to the starting position.
