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On your marks, get set, shoes off!

05 Jun

Kick off your shoes and get ready to dive into the exciting world of barefoot sports. It may sound strange, but getting rid of your sneakers may yield surprising benefits for your health and athletic performance.

Stronger feet and ankles

Ever tried doing push-ups with boxing gloves on? It’s kind of the same with your feet. Shoes are like gloves, they protect them, but they also prevent them from performing as they should. By exercising barefoot, you are using more muscles in your feet and ankles, which makes them stronger and can help you avoid injury.

Better proprioception

Proprio what? Proprioception is your ability to perceive your body and its movements in space. And your feet are real proprioceptive sensors. When they are free to feel the ground, your brain receives more information about your position, which can help you move more efficiently and improve your balance. So set your feet free and let them talk to your brain!

Improved posture

By removing your shoes, you are more in tune with the ground, which can help you correct your posture and body alignment. Less back pain, more comfort in your movements, it’s a bit like getting a body lift without the surgery.

Reduced impact

You think that without shoes, you will get hurt? Quite the opposite, playing sports barefoot can reduce the impact on your joints. Without shoes, you tend to put your forefoot on the ground first, which is less damaging to your knees and hips. Less impact, more softness, your joints will thank you!

But be warned, before you throw away your sneakers, remember that you have to take it easy. Start by exercising without shoes at home, and then gradually move on to harder surfaces. And of course, watch your step!