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Stay active and #inthemove despite the winter

30 Nov

With the cold weather approaching, we're more in the mood for some coziness. Here are 4 tips that will help you stay active and motivated, regardless of the weather conditions!

Choose the right equipment

When the temperature drops, stick to the rule of three! Three layers of clothing are recommended: the first to eliminate perspiration, the second to stay warm and the third to protect you from the cold and wind. And most importantly, don't forget the extremities: pull out a hat and gloves if temperatures are low! For those who play sports in the evening, for your safety and that of others, make sure you wear fluorescent gear!

Find a buddy

It's always better to work out with a buddy or a group! And it's so much easier to stay motivated. Choose someone from your family, a friend, a neighbor, a colleague... Get together to exercise and then take the time to debrief in a relaxed setting.  When one of you has a slump, the other is there to boost the other. A real power team!

Compile an uplifting playlist

To cheer you up when it's gloomy outside, there's nothing better than a fun and spirited playlist. Go for dynamic tunes that put a smile on your face, songs that you like and that you can hum along to. Depending on your activity, music can even help you maintain a rhythm. Motivation guaranteed!

Try out some new activities

Why not take advantage of winter to change your habits? It's the ideal time to try out appealing activities. We can diversify our fun, meet new people, and novelty is a great source of motivation. And above all, there's no pressure! Even if you lower your expectations, the most important thing is to stay in the move, always #inthemove!