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Weight loss: 5 things you should never do!

25 Jul

With summer, we all want to lose a few pounds, to be at the top of our game. Before jumping headlong into drastic diets, here are some tips and especially the 5 don’ts when dieting!

Don’t eat too fast

Je mange trop vite

Eat slowly but surely. We often forget that for our brain, satiety is reached 20 minutes after the beginning of a meal. So the more we chew, the better we digest and the less our body demands.  

Don't ban all treats

Je m’interdis toute gourmandise

It's out of the question to forget all the small pleasures for the sake of losing weight. Because our guilty pleasures are good for our morale. The trick is to eat them in moderation. And if you're addicted to chocolate, go for dark chocolate, which contains less sugar. 

Don't eat the same thing every day

Je mange la même chose tous les jours

To lose weight, our best ally is a varied and balanced diet. Every day, make sure to include fruits, vegetables, proteins, starchy foods, dairy products, carbohydrates in your diet... And above all, try to be creative, and eat different foods from each family, prepared differently!  

Don’t skip meals

Je saute des repas

Skipping a meal to eat less is a bad idea. Hunger is just shifted. Moreover, skipping a meal limits your caloric expenditure. As a result, the next time you eat, you run the risk of being hungry and overeating.  The secret is consistency!

Don't forget sports

J’oublie le sport

To feel good in your body and mind, physical activity is key. Being active is good for your muscles, relieves stress, makes you think about other things and boosts your happiness hormones. Not to mention that our muscles are very efficient calorie consumers!