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Draw me a balanced food plate!

05 Jul

Whether you’re at home, at a restaurant or on lunch break at the office, remember the “quarter quarter half” rule to be “Fit” or just feel good about yourself.

Half veggies

Let’s start with a hard-to-swallow truth: potatoes are not veggies. They are carbohydrates! At your age, it’s time to get to know other foods. The ones that are really good for you: broccoli, carrots, zucchini, peppers and celery. To lose weight and avoid food coma after lunch, set aside half your plate for vegetables and fruit. 

A quarter of protein

We do have some good news for you: meat does not make you fat! But let’s be clear: we’re talking about lean meats, 100 grams of chicken or fish per meal, and cooked with little fat. The good news doesn’t stop there. Protein also comes in the form of chickpeas (a hummus makes a good lunch), lentils (cheap and so tasty), not to mention our friends for life: beans.

A quarter of carbs

Yes, pasta is a carb, but read what it says above: we said a quarter of the plate! Put whatever you want in there: pasta, rice, bread, potatoes ... to get some oomph and energy. Just one piece of advice: always go for whole wheat, which is more filling and has fewer calories.

Water and sweat

Yes, eating a balanced diet is not enough, but it’s a good start. Of course, don’t forget to drink (at least 1.5 liters a day) and get moving! 


Now that you know all this, share with us your “quarter quarter half” plate to inspire and set an example for your co-workers (yes, it sounds a bit forced, but the intention is good).