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Join the watercress mania

18 Sep

Looking for an extra boost to your diet? Watercress breaks all nutrient records, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

What’s so great about watercress?

It’s packed with vitamins A, C, D, E, K, B12, protein, calcium, iron... The list goes on! But best of all, it’s got the perfect nutrient density score of 100. This score is our guide to a diet that reduces the risk of disease.

What exactly is watercress?

A low-calorie green that’s high in vitamins and minerals. What’s more? It’s packed with antioxidants and is a great source of dietary fiber. What about the taste? Well, it’s a mix of spiciness and bitterness, somewhat like mustard.

Where can you find this green treasure?

Check out your local supermarket, corner market or organic stores. Feel like gardening? Watercress grows easily, so why not grow it at home?

How do you serve it?

  • Watercress salad: toss with cherry tomatoes, avocado and a lemon vinaigrette. Fresh and crunchy!
  • Soup: Watercress, potatoes and onions. Add fresh cream for a gourmet touch.
  • Sandwich: Watercress, smoked salmon or turkey on wholewheat bread. Yummy!
  • Pesto: Replace basil with watercress for a spicy touch.
  • Juice or Smoothie: Mix watercress with apples or pineapple for an energy-boosting drink.


If you’ve never tried watercress before, now’s the time.

With its unique taste and many benefits, it could soon become your go-to. Time to eat!