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I meditate therefore I am

17 Jun

Saying stop, resisting "emergencies", clearing your mind and exploring a new world with meditation. Meditation is appealing because it invites us to refocus our minds on the present moment and free ourselves from the clutches of daily life. Benefits and instructions for use.

Meditation is no longer just a relaxation routine. Researchers and doctors agree that it is a practice of mindfulness with multiple virtues. 


Meditation, practiced occasionally or regularly, can significantly relieve certain psychological disorders. Depression, anxiety, behavioral problems, stress... So many ailments of modern society and its frantic pace.


The positive effects of meditation on the body are proven. Studies, research and tests have proven that meditating helps the respiratory function, reduces blood pressure, relieves muscle tension, significantly reduces pain...


Meditation, before being a way to get better, is basically a spiritual path. A sustained practice will help you to easily put things in perspective, to reach this famous stage of "full consciousness", to better manage your emotions...

How to practice meditation?

  • Sit in a comfortable position
  • Close your eyes and focus your attention upwards towards the middle of your forehead
  • Relax, let everything go 
  • If ideas pop into your head, let them flow, don't pay attention to them, refocus your attention on the middle of your forehead.
  • Don't try to instantly clear your mind at all costs, it's not possible. It will come with time and practice.
  • At first, stay focused and nurture the pleasure of doing nothing, of thinking of nothing.
  • Do this exercise for a few minutes (between 5 and 20 minutes), from time to time, as soon as you have time.

To guide you: