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Get up and walk!

02 Nov

Walking isn't just about getting from point A to point B. It's much more than that. It's much more than that.

  • Set yourself a daily goal. Whether it's 100 or 10,000 steps, every step counts!
  • Take the stairs. Forget the elevator, your thighs will thank you later.
  • Park farther away. Whether you're at work or at the supermarket, every step counts.
  • Walk during your breaks. 5 minutes of walking here and there adds up fast!
  • Walk or cycle to work. Save on fuel and gain in health.
  • Walk when you talk on the phone. Why sit around?
  • Get off an earlier bus stop. Walk to the last few stops.
  • Remember to walk. A little beep to remind you to get moving is always helpful.
  • Join a walking group for added motivation.
  • Take up active leisure activities. Garden, dance, do yoga, explore!

No more excuses for not fitting a few extra steps into your daily routine. Find the tips that work best for you and make them a habit. 
And don't forget to share your favorite tip with us: