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Generosity makes you happy!

13 Jun

Scientific studies have shown that the most generous people at work are  happier. For example, employees who practice pro-bono or skills  sponsorship are happier than others. The feeling of helping others helps them find meaning in their work and create a positive narrative around it.

The author and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry summed up this idea with a beautiful quote "Do you want to be happy? Give happiness." And precisely, one of Intelcia's values, We Care, addresses this very point. Creating a happy workplace is the mission of every employee. In order to create a good team harmony and to promote the overall well-being of all, generosity at work appears as an essential notion that strongly contributes to create a healthy and stimulating environment.

Generous people give willingly and widely. You don't have to be immensely rich to be generous. Generosity can be found in small gestures offered in all sincerity:

  • Offering a coffee to colleagues when you go to make one for yourself.
  • Offering croissants in the morning. Or offer chocolates on holidays, candy or sweets from time to time. Above all: keeping it simple is key. The best thing? Seek to please by catering to your teammates' tastes.
  • Set up occasions to share: "Tea Time" on Fridays at the end of the day, gaming sessions, collective workouts... Everything is possible, depending on your availability, your work atmosphere and your desires!


In short, all the data currently available suggest that being more generous, giving more, helping others is positive in all areas: in terms of health, psychology, general well-being and well-being at work, but also in terms of productivity!