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Free your spirit: Boost your optimism

13 Jun

Optimism is a positive force for your everyday life. Is it something you're lacking? Don't worry, you can work on it! So don't wait any longer and learn to seek the light at the end of the tunnel!

Several tips help us to be more positive in our everyday life:

  • Remind yourself of your successes. You must celebrate your successes no matter how small they are. This retrospection will help you find personal improvement in all the efforts you have undertaken.
  • Embrace a more positive outlook every day. Cultivating your optimism also means you have faith in the future. If it helps, surround yourself with inspirational words or quotes: stick post-it notes all over your office for example!
  • Put things into perspective and consider every obstacle as an opportunity to improve. To do so, surround yourself with positive people to absorb their energy.
  • Put your thoughts down on paper.  Write down what you are proud of, grateful for, or what you are hoping for in the future.
  • Give, volunteer your time, commit to feel useful. It's quite energizing!