Get motivated and take the lead! Don't let your mental health challenge you; challenge it with this 21-day wellness challenge. Sure, it’s a whole 21 days, but only 5 minutes a day to bring small changes into your life that will make you feel so much better. You'll regain control over your anxiety and stress!
So ready to smile? Let's do this!

Day 1: Prepare a hearty breakfast to start the day right
Let's start this #21dayswellness #InTheMove challenge with this first challenge which consists in preparing a hearty breakfast - simple, nutritious and wholesome. This will help you kick-start your day with a first meal that is good for your mind...and your body!
The ideal menu:
A source of protein (ideally eggs): Having protein in the morning helps promote the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that will stimulate alertness and motivation.
A dairy product: ewe, goat or soy yogurt, cottage cheese.
Healthy fats (walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds): A mixed portion (30g to 50g) that contains omega-3, fiber and magnesium.
A hot beverage to rehydrate the body: tea (green tea is ideal), matcha, coffee, herbal tea.
Fresh fruit (not fruit juice): There are fewer vitamins in fruit juice and, above all, no fiber. And yet, it's the fiber that reduces the passage rate of the sugars contained in the fruit.
And a tall glass of water!
Optional (For bread lovers who cannot refrain from indulging in a warm slice):
One to two slices of sourdough or wholewheat bread with butter or whole grain cereals are acceptable;)
>> Read also: The 5 commandments for healthy eating:
Day 2: Clean up your “junk” drawer
For this second challenge, the goal is to find that feeling of peace in a clean and organized space. Because, according to research, a disorganized environment can lead to a scattered and distracted mind. It can even lead to anxiety, stress and low self-esteem.
Start out slowly and commit to cleaning a small area. Then, who knows, it might motivate you to tackle larger ones!
Here are a couple of ideas to start your cleaning routine (pick one):
- Clean out your "junk" drawer where you toss in anything and everything.
- Organize a section of your closet
- Clean out your car
- Organize your desk drawer... including that pile of papers that's been lying around for 2 months
Day #3: 5 minutes of daily meditation
Even with an overbooked schedule, you can always spare five minutes for some self-care! Support your mental health and calm your mind with a five-minute meditation. Yes, just a couple of minutes can actually reduce stress and anxiety and have a positive impact on your self-esteem.
If you're new to this practice and feel intimidated, no worries, it's perfectly normal! Just let yourself be guided and start this five-minute meditation:
>> Read also: I meditate therefore I am :
Day #4: I enjoy my morning coffee outside
Being out in the sun first thing in the morning is a great way to regulate your internal clock, elevate your spirits and boost your energy. It has been shown to increase serotonin, known to be the happy hormone.
So for tomorrow's challenge, set your alarm five minutes earlier and take your first sip of coffee in the morning sun (before you even glance at your smartphone).
Bonus challenge: Why not turn this into a regular routine for the rest of the challenge? And if not for a cup of coffee, maybe it's meditation, which you can practice outside, take a walk without your phone (of course), or just sit in silence and soak up the quiet serenity of the early morning.
Day #5: I unsubscribe from negative accounts on social media
It starts with some harmless scrolling on social media. But it can quickly spiral out of control and turn into a black hole of judgment and low self-esteem. At worst, scrolling through negative content can even lead to anxiety and depression.
Take advantage of this challenge to stop following any account, unsubscribe from anything that you feel is toxic to your mental health.
Bonus challenge: Turn off your notifications and disconnect from social media for the rest of the day (all day!)
Day #6: I add a moment of mindfulness to my morning routine
Mindfulness techniques help improve mental, physical and emotional health. So why not make them part of your morning routine? This challenge will also only take up 5 minutes of your time. 5 minutes that will give you a whole day of peace.
>>If you are just starting out, try out these techniques
- Take a few moments to close your eyes, listen to your breathing and take in your surroundings.
- Do a body scan and check out how your body feels, right at this moment. Starting from the base of your toes and working your way up to the top of your head.
- Take a short walk and leave your phone behind.
- Think of someone you are grateful for and remember why!
Day #7: I make my bed!
Your mother probably told you time and again to make your bed. Well, she wasn't wrong. In fact, according to a recent study, the majority of people who make their bed before starting their day report being happy, while 62% of those who don't report being unhappy.
So YES, making your bed is your mental health challenge for the day!
Why not add it to your morning routine?
>> Read also: How to ensure a good night's sleep?
Day #8 : I start my day by drinking a tall glass of water
Because insufficient water intake can lead to fatigue, stress, irritability and confusion. So, before your morning coffee, tea or matcha, sip on a tall glass of water..
Bonus challenge: And, feel free to keep the momentum going by taking a (stylish and eco-friendly) water bottle with you to work!
Day #9: I take 10 deep breaths from my stomach
Deep abdominal breathing is a stress-relieving technique that allows for the full exchange of oxygen. It can help reduce stress and promote a sense of peacefulness.
Your daily challenge: Set aside five minutes for this relaxation technique and release the stress out of your body
3 breathing techniques :
Day #10: I repeat positive affirmations to myself
Today, we refocus our energy toward the light by starting the day with a positive affirmation. In writing, spoken aloud or repeated in your head, it's up to you.
Once done, repeat your affirmation several times, with all the confidence you can muster.
Bonus challenge: Write your affirmation on a post-it note and stick it in a visible place, such as your bathroom mirror or bedroom wall. Every time you walk by, take the opportunity to repeat your affirmation!
Examples of positive affirmations:
Day #11 : I eat mindfully
Your challenge for the day: be attentive and present during your meals!
Enjoy your food. Eat slowly, and take small bites. Take time to observe what you are eating, pay attention to the texture and smell of your food... As you chew, try to identify all the ingredients, especially the seasonings. By eating consciously, you may enjoy your meal more and feel less inclined to overeat!
Bonus challenge: Add "mindful eating" to your routine
Day #12: I set 3 goals for the week
You're almost halfway through the #21dayswellness #InTheMove, so be proud of all your efforts! Take a few minutes today to reflect on the week ahead. Identify three achievable goals for the week, with a plan on how you can achieve them. Starting a new week with motivation and purpose can be an important step in improving your mental health and self-esteem.
Day #13: I call a friend or family member
That's your challenge for the day, because taking a few moments to check on a friend or family member can make all the difference. And no, emails or texts don't factor into your mental health challenge for the day! Simply picking up the phone and letting a loved one know you care can be beneficial to you too! Maintaining strong relationships can reduce stress and feelings of loneliness, and even help you feel a sense of purpose.
Day #14 I offer myself a little reward
It's been two weeks since you embarked on this challenge. It's time to reward yourself for your commitment to your mental health. So, a delicious latte at your favorite coffee shop or a new yoga mat? Treat yourself, it's important! It will help you keep this virtuous momentum going.
Day #15 I schedule my #InTheMove moment
We don't always have the motivation to get moving, so it's best to get organized. Once we have scheduled our sessions, no more skipping and in the end, you will be more consistent. Because once you are in motion, you will no longer be able to do without it, your morale will be boosted! And keep in mind that it can be sports, but also walks in nature. #StayInTheMove
Day #16 I start my to do list of the day with the most difficult mission
It's a well-known fact that we are all more productive at the beginning of the day. So start with the task that seems the most daunting. This will allow you to feel lighter and avoid stressing all day long by thinking about the huge mountain you still have to climb. Once you've accomplished this task, you'll have a smile on your face all day long!
Day #17 I prohibit myself from looking at my phone when I wake up
Today's challenge won't be easy for some, but it's important to know that checking your phone first thing in the morning throws a lot of stimulus and stress your way. Between work emails, news, texts from friends, and social media, our energy is already being drained before it's even recharged. Today, dedicate your first few hours to yourself instead of your screen!
Day #18 I make a small gesture...just out of kindness
Buying a cup of coffee for a fellow co-worker, holding the door for a stranger, helping an elderly person with his or her groceries, offering your seat on public transportation. Today, we do little gestures to bring joy to others. Small gestures that will brighten the day of their recipients, but also yours. And I promise, this simple gesture will bring you satisfaction and put you in a good mood.
Day #19 I disconnect
If your professional circumstances allow you to do so, take a day to disconnect! Take a break from social media, videos, emails, messages and the constant stream of images. You will see that being inactive will stimulate your mind and steer you towards other intellectual or manual areas of interest. You will come out of this experience invigorated and with the desire to try it again.
>> Read also: Let go of your smartphone
Day #20 I give selflessly
Nous avons tous des objets inutilisés qui s’accumulent. Des objets oubliés qui peuvent servir à d’autres et avoir un impact positif sur leur vie. Livres, vêtements, jouets, nourriture… Donnez ce que vous pouvez. Vous sortirez grandi de vos actes de générosité. Le fait de donner améliore l’estime de soi et augmente le sentiment de bonheur. Un win-win assuré !
Day #21 I ask for help
The last of your challenges: Knowing how to ask for help. So yes, after these 20 days your spirits are at their highest, but there can still be slumps. Don't downplay how you feel and most importantly, talk to a friend, a family member, a colleague, a doctor. Never stay alone, always #BetterTogether