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Volunteering. 5 reasons to take the leap

17 Jul

Many of our co-workers are involved in the community. We asked them to share with us what this commitment is all about. Here are their answers (all inspiring).

“I’m involved in improving the lives of others”

… and that is priceless. Volunteering means donating your time for the well-being of others, with no expectation of anything in return other than the smile of a child, the prayer of an elderly lady or the gratitude of someone you lend a hand to.

“I am a better person”

Have you ever experienced that feeling of satisfaction after helping someone, after giving? Volunteering makes us better people because we learn new skills and broaden our horizons.

“I get to meet people” 

Yes, volunteering is also a great way to network and open up new opportunities. Often, volunteering helps you build strong relationships, with no formality or rank. Quite rare in our society today!

“My professional worth increases”

With the same skill set, a person who is involved in associations will have better professional opportunities to land a new job, a promotion, etc.

If these points resonate with you, contact your committed co-workers and join them in an action to learn about and, who knows, uncover the super-volunteer in you!