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Rockbalancing, the crazy art of stacking stones

07 Jun

This crazy art form is all about stacking stones in style and relaxing!

Are you ready to dive into an ancient art that combines relaxation, creativity and the development of your sense of balance? Then welcome to the fascinating world of rockbalancing.

What is rockbalancing?

Rockbalancing is the age-old art of stacking pebbles with the kind of precision and skill that would make an architect green with envy. It’s not just about laying one stone on top of another; it’s a form of sculpture where your raw material is borrowed directly from nature. And the best part? You don’t need a hammer or chisel. Just you, your artistic flair and a few carefully picked rocks.

Why should you get into it?

Rockbalancing isn’t just a fun way to pass the time with a few stones. It’s an invitation to relax and connect with nature. By carefully placing each stone, you can feel your worries melt away, giving way to a sense of peace. Imagine an art therapy session, but in the fresh air, and with a mineral touch.

How should you go about it?

To get started, find a pleasant outdoor spot where pebbles abound. Beach, river, park, mountain... there are plenty of options. Choose stones of different shapes and sizes, then start stacking them carefully. The key to rockbalancing is patience and focus. And don’t forget: if your stacking collapses, it’s no failure. It’s simply an opportunity to start again and create something new, perhaps even more impressive.

Disclaimer: Be warned, rockbalancing can quickly become addictive! But don’t worry, in moderation it can boost your coolness rating.

So let loose, unleash your creativity and let rockbalancing bring you the balance and peace we’re all looking for.

Send us photos of your creations to, and we’ll share them with your co-workers!