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Operation Dream Body!

08 Jun

Summer vacation is just around the corner. You’ve thought of everything: the destination, the tickets, the clothes... But what about your body? Is it ready?

Because in addition to the sea, the sun and the umbrellas, there’s the swimsuit test! No need to panic though. We’ve got just what you need. And no, we’re not going to suggest you starve yourself by dieting. Because there’s no need to lose weight. Whatever your weight, toning up your body will help you look more lean, firm and powerful. And best of all, you won’t have to go through a tedious, repetitive routine. There are a million ways to make training sessions fun, interesting and diverse. Here are just a few options…

HIIT the road Jack!

No, HIIT isn’t the title of a song, it’s the name of a workout you’ll most likely enjoy. Its main benefit: maximum results in minimum time.HIIT consists of alternating high intensity movements with short recovery periods. This training method not only improves cardiovascular fitness, but also helps to burn calories and tone muscles effectively. Whether you choose body-weight exercises or use equipment, HIIT will push your limits and give you a sense of accomplishment.

Zum. Zum. Zumba

Who says toning can’t be fun? One of the most effective ways to exercise is to feel like you’re not exercising at all. This is the case when you do Zumba.Zumba combines energetic dance moves with aerobics, helping you burn calories, improve coordination and tone your body. It’s a fun way to get in shape while grooving to upbeat rhythms. If hip-hop, salsa or belly dancing are more fun for you, then by all means go for them: they work the body just as hard and will help you fill up on energy.

Aqua what? Aqua gym!

Want to tone up, but don’t want the workout to be too brutal? Look no further than aqua gym, an in-water exercise program that targets different muscle groups while being easy on the joints. An aqua gym session typically includes a combination of cardiovascular exercise, muscle-strengthening and stretching exercises. The resistance provided by the water adds an extra challenge, but will help you tone your muscles without the risk of impact injuries. As an added benefit, aqua gym improves blood circulation and reduces cellulite.

3,2,1 Let’s go!

Now all you need to do is pick a method that suits you best. But most importantly, remember that consistency and enjoyment are the key words. Be consistent and have fun!