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TOLTEC AGREEMENTS. 5 rules to adopt for your well-being

26 Oct

If you have not yet adopted the Toltec Agreements, this article could change your life!

The "Toltec Agreements" by the Mexican shaman Miguel Ruiz are codes of conduct for everyday life that allow us to approach the world in a sound and peaceful manner, realize our full potential, enjoy personal freedom and be at peace with ourselves. He encourages us to release the mechanisms that hold us back and that are often embedded and well established since our childhood.

Agreement 1
Be impeccable with your word

Say what you really mean, be honest and fair. Be careful with your words, do not hurt others, be polite and kind. This agreement is the most difficult and the most important one to honor.

Our tip: Twist your tongue seven times in your mouth before speaking

Agreement 2
No matter what happens, don't take anything personally

You are by no means responsible for what others do or say, not even to you, not even about you.  Take a step back, accept criticism and seek to understand others and ask yourself what you can do better.

Our tip: When you feel judged, activate your mental shield by reminding yourself that you are not what others think of you.

Agreement 3
Don't make assumptions

Don’t get the wrong idea. Ask questions to make sure you understand and don't let a situation escalate. Never react based on an assumption that will fail to represent the Truth.

Our tip: Have the guts to ask questions and express your true desires, to communicate clearly with others to avoid misunderstandings and drama.

Agreement 4
Always do your best

You don't have to succeed, failure is a component of success. But, no matter what the circumstances, always do your best. Not better than others, but your best.

Our tip: No other tip than to ALWAYS do your best to never have any regrets.

Agreement 5
Be skeptical, but learn to listen

Doubt can also be a strength. Challenge yourself, listen to others without taking everything at face value. Analyze your thoughts and those of others, develop your own reasoning.

Our tip: Apply this agreement to yourself as well.