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Some organizational and productivity hacks to stay zen at work

13 Jun

How to get organized and have peace of mind? How to be productive without being overworked? Here are some methods and techniques that have been proven and are worth the try:

1. GTD method
We start with a time management method: GTD (Getting Things Done). In short, it is the art of getting things done in 5 steps. We start with the collection step, which is to identify the tasks to be accomplished. Then comes the processing stage to analyze the need for action. Followed by the organization stage, which aims to orchestrate the actions to be taken according to the degree of importance and urgency. From this point on, we move to the actual action, depending on the task listing. Finally, we perform a review to monitor the progress of the tasks at hand.

2. To-do list
We all know it, that famous To-Do-List that generates so much satisfaction when we tick off a task!  The To-do list can take many forms: by day or by week, general or compartmentalized, choose the mode that suits you, prioritize, don't overload yourself and take action. The secret of the To-Do List is to use it along with another efficient technique: timeboxing! Allocate an hourly time to each task to have more visibility on your day.

3. Eisenhower Matrix
Behind this name lies a simple method that allows you to assess the situation and take a step back from the various tasks to be accomplished. Presented in a 4 quadrant format (matrix), this method aims to divide the tasks into 4 categories, according to their degree of importance and urgency:

  • Important and urgent tasks that need to be given priority,
  • Important but non-urgent items that need to be planned,
  • Non-important, but urgent items that should be dealt with immediately or delegated,
  • Non-important, non-urgent tasks that can be dropped or set aside.