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Running. Joelette, or the joy of running for others!

17 Aug

You are a regular runner, you put on a few bibs every year, but you feel you want to add some dynamism and meaning to your races. Why not join a "Joelette" team?

When you compete in a race (10km, half marathon or marathon), you've probably come across teams that take turns pushing a disabled person in a special wheelchair. This is called a "Joelette".

It was invented in the 2000s for a boy named Joe, who had a motor disability, so that he could experience the joys and thrills of running. Since then, the use of the Joelette has gained popularity all over the world.

On average, between 4 and 10 people take turns to push a Joelette. So let us know that you are a volunteer by contacting the organisation or by leaving a message on the event's Facebook page. The Joelette always needs extra hands and good will.

If it's your first time, take it easy and take turns every 2 km, for example. Listen to your body too. If you feel your arms tingling or your posture is making you lose your stride, pass the baton and help bring water and refreshments to those who are pushing, make noise to attract the attention of other runners and support your team all the way to the finish line. 

If the wheelchair user is able, he or she gets out to take the last steps. It is an emotional moment that we hope you enjoy.