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5 tips for healthy eyes

14 Jun

Between the computer screen, the smartphone and the TV, our eyes are constantly exposed. So you’re bound to get eyestrain. Here are 5 easy-to-follow tips. And that will get your eyes back in shape in no time!

Follow these 5 tips and your eyes will notice the difference right away:

  • Make sure you take a break. If you work all day in front of your computer screen, take some time off, but without your smartphone J. Instead, to rest your eyes, gaze into the distance and if you can, try to get some fresh air.
  • Don't forget the blue gold. Everyone knows that water is essential for the proper functioning of our body. But some people forget that a lack of water can cause dry eyes. So drink regularly! Also, remember to use artificial tears!
  • Place your screens at the right distance. To protect your eyes, you should place your computer at eye level and about 70 centimeters from your eyes. Be careful! When using your smartphone, choose a suitable font size. If you squint or move your smartphone away from you to read, then the distance is not ideal.
  • Eliminate glare. To avoid glare and protect your eyes, install curtains. It is also very important that the light is not projected directly onto the screen to avoid glare. Place the screen perpendicular to the light source.
  • Palming exercise: Place your palms over your eyes without applying pressure. With your eyes closed, your fingers tightly together so that no light gets through, breathe deeply and calmly. Repeat the exercise for one minute, your eyes will be relieved and your mind soothed.